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LibraryCall services have one thing in common - they enable libraries to deliver information and/or stories to patrons via phone (and online). Our goal is to provide tools that enable libraries to reach across the digital divide so that patrons with no broadband connection can enjoy the services provided by their library.

Contact us with any questions or to setup a demo.


Storytime Direct

Deliver Dial-A-Story - without adding more work for staff.

Dial-A-Story Studio

Build your own custom Dial-A-Story programs.


Add an audio component to any self-guided or self-paced exhibit.

Unlimited simultaneous callers Included Included Included
Unlimited training and support Included Included Included
Embeddable website widget Included - supports unlimited Internet listening Included - supports unlimited Internet listening N/A
Promotional templates Included Included Included


Storytime Direct
Dial-A-Story Studio
Stories available in English and Spanish from our Storytime Commons Included Included n/a
Support additional languages English and Spanish only Included Included


Storytime Direct
Dial-A-Story Studio
Upload your own stories/audio -- Included Included
Convert existing audio and video files into audio recordings -- Included Included
Customizable story schedules -- Included Included
Customizable welcome and goodbye messages Included Included Included
Additional local and toll-free phone numbers Your library is provided with a local phone number (toll-free option available) Available Available


Storytime Direct
Dial-A-Story Studio
One-Time Setup Fee $300 $600 $500
Annual Subscription Fee* $350 - $1,500
Tiered based on library type and service population. More information available on the Storytime Direct page.
Includes two caller options ($500 for each additional option).
Billing Annual Monthly or Annual Monthly or Annual

Contact us for pricing for states, consortia and larger systems. 

** All services receive unlimited inbound calls. Services that forward calls outbound to third-party numbers are limited to 5000 minutes per month without prior agreement.