LibraryCall Kids! The first audiobook app just for children

and keep them forever
Our engaging selection of stories for children ages 3-10 will spark kids' imaginations while boosting their language development and early literacy skills.
LibraryCall Kids! launching Winter 2023, library sign-up prices coming soon.

How the subscription works

Easy access

Integrate LibraryCall Kids! directly into your library's website for easy discovery by patrons. We handle the setup and patron authentication seamlessly.

User-friendly browsing

Kids and their guardians can effortlessly navigate our diverse library of stories, highlight favorites, and download stories directly to their devices.

Unrestricted listening

Say goodbye to DRM hassles. Whether your patrons are online or offline, they'll enjoy uninterrupted story sessions anytime, anywhere.

Everlasting stories

As our library partner, enjoy regular additions to our story collection and app updates. And here's our promise: stories downloaded by patrons are theirs to keep forever, with no expirations or take-backs.

Find out more about how you can support the app development Stories for Kids
Original and adapted classic stories Explore our Storytime Commons
Illustrations from original and adapted classic stories