“We're in a rural area and many in our community don't have access to dependable internet. LibraryCall is a fantastic way to continue to be of service to our patrons who might feel disconnected otherwise.”
Storytime Commons
Share story recordings with other libraries and add their stories to your program. We're also working to license short-form content from children's publishers in multiple languages.
Storytime Direct
- Deliver callers an up-to-date, diverse story every week.
- Local numbers available throughout the US and Canada.
- Callers hear your welcome message and our Story of the Week, available in English and Spanish.
- No staff time commitment.
Dial-A-Story Studio
- Easily record and upload your own stories with any smartphone or laptop.
- Share stories with other libraries in our Storytime Commons.
- Use our simple web app to assign stories on a daily, weekly, or custom schedule.
- Easily add an audio component to any self-paced or self-guided exhibit, gallery, or StoryWalk® experience.
- Callers can hear your recorded audio commentary in multiple languages, either on-demand or on a guided timeline schedule.
- Our staff interface allows you to easily upload new audio content for attendees/patrons and to track usage.
Resource Hotline
- Automatically answer questions and provide local information to patrons.
- Staff record and upload audio messages in any language for up to 1000 categories or topics.
- Include real-time info from a website, such as COVID testing site locations.
LibraryCall Kids! App
Available Autumn 2024
- Kid-friendly, parent-friendly, librarian-friendly
- Install on any smartphone, computer, Chromebook, etc.
- Full access to our entire story library