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Storytime Commons - Collection Development Policy

Purpose of Collection

The LibraryCall Storytime Commons is an online repository of content available to LibraryCall customers. The purpose of the Storytime Commons is to provide a platform for LibraryCall customers to access and share high-quality, educational, enriching, and inclusive audio content.

Future Planning and Resources

The Storytime Commons collection is funded by 10% of the profit from fees collected by LibraryCall Dial-a-Story customers.  The collection budget will be used to grow and enhance LibraryCall’s diverse and multilingual collections. Galecia Group will prioritize hiring diverse, multilingual content developers and will license original material with a focus on diverse authors and readers.

Scope of Collection 

The Storytime Commons is intended to be a repository of high-quality, engaging audio content, with children ages 3-10 as the target audience. 

The scope of the collection will be driven by \LibraryCall customer demand, and the expectation is that some portion of the material in Storytime Commons will be contributed by customers. LibraryCall staff are responsible for adding at least two new stories (on average) per week.

Content shall include public domain material adapted, translated, and recorded by the LibraryCall team, original stories by LibraryCall contributors, and material licensed to the Storytime Commons with written permission of the copyright holder. 

Storytime Commons content will be hosted in LibraryCall’s online repository built, maintained, and hosted by Galecia Group.  All Storytime Commons content will be housed and archived on in mp3 format. Commons content will be made available to LibraryCall customers for a subscription fee.

Whenever possible, the collection will include printable read-along versions of stories  to accompany recordings. These should also reflect current best practices for diversity and inclusion by the American Library Association.

Collection Responsibility

The Storytime Commons Collection is managed and maintained by dedicated staff at Galecia Group.  Materials submitted to the Commons must be vetted by Galecia Group staff for diversity and inclusivity, recording quality, and to ensure the subject and language is appropriate for the intended audiences.

Feedback or concerns regarding Storytime Commons titles or resource content can be directed to

Collection Evaluation and Measurements

The collection will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. Statistics will be measured annually, including usage statistics and feedback from library users. Selection and deselection will include the collection policy guidelines as well as evaluation of usage statistics and feedback from LibraryCall customers who may suggest topics, authors, and content type needed for their Dial-a-Story programming. Material may be withdrawn for lack of demand or if the content is no longer deemed acceptable as a result of changing cultural sensitivities.


Policy Revision

The collection policy will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis or more frequently as needed.

updated 6 September 2022