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Problemas de pirata

A ship with black, tattered sails, and the skull and crossbones emblem on one of the sails, sits in the sand on a beach. A butterfly is perched on one of the sail.

El Capitán Colerico es enojón, pesimista, sarcástico y malo. Y estar atrapado en una isla desierta, con un barco que necesita ser arreglado, no ha mejorado su mal genio. Pero al fin del día, es un buen capitán y le importan sus hombres, aunque a veces se tarda un poquito en recordarlo.


Captain Cross is short-tempered, pessimistic, sarcastic, and mean. And being stuck on a deserted island, with a ship that needs repairs, has not improved his mood. But at the end of the day, he's a good captain and he cares about his crew, even if it does take him a while to remember that sometimes.

Submitted By


Audio Type
Story Language
School-Age (6-10)
Tweens and Teens (11-17)
Ryan Aoto
Daniel Fernando