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Literary Links & LibraryCall News

Submitted by madeline on
Hello, and welcome to the second half of 2023! 

This month, to help you escape the August doldrums, we're bringing you a fun literary link roundup, as well as a bit of exciting news and some story ideas. Enjoy!

Barbie and Back-to-School: Literary Links for August

Barbie, Books, and Publishing for Young Readers (Book Riot)

Back-To-School Picture Books for Kids (Reading Middle Grade)

A Book List Inspired by the Barbie Movie (Cedar Rapids Public Library)

First Lines of the Last 30 Newbery Award Winners (SLJ) 

Which Barbie Are You Based on Your Book Picks? (Book Riot) 

22 Bilingual and Spanish Picture Books Perfect for Storytime (SLJ)


LibraryCall News: Audiobooks Now Available 

We're happy to share that select LibraryCall stories are now available for download and purchase through audiobook services like OverdriveHooplaAudible, and many more.

Our audiobook collection continues to grow each month, with 1-2 new titles released regularly. So far, we've published 29 stories in English and Spanish, with Dari titles coming soon. 

While these stories are all in rotation for our Dial-A-Story services, they have only been available during their scheduled times. Our new audiobook collection makes it easy for you to share LibraryCall stories anytime! Plus, by remastering our stories as audiobooks, we're sharing all of our improved edits and new covers with our LibraryCall clients.


New Story

A red silhouette of a rooster, next to a few wheat stalks

The Little Red Hen read by Lorena Romero

The little red hen asks her barnyard companions for help as she works to plant and harvest wheat, make flour, and bake some bread. But no one else does any of the work -- and so no one else gets any of the reward. You know this one! It's lots of fun. 

*This title has also been newly remastered in Spanish: La Gallinita Roja


Back to School Stories

African American child with an orange shirt is smiling and wearing a blue backpack

First Day Back by Ryan Aoto

A girl reads a book next to a white lamb.

Marshmallow Goes to School by Madeline Walton-Hadlock


Reminder to our Storytime Direct clients-- printable monthly story calendars and social media images are always available in the LibraryCall Manager Help tab


This month, to help you escape the August doldrums, we're bringing you a fun literary link roundup, as well as a bit of exciting news and some story ideas. Enjoy!