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These stories are snooowww joke

Submitted by madeline on

It’s a blustery, wet day here in California. It feels like the perfect time to share a couple new winter themed stories with you. 

  • A Visit to the North Pole: when an elf invites Zara and Theo to the North Pole, the two children discover Santa's garden full of sweet treats. (A Spanish translation is in progress.) 
  • Sheltering Wings: on a cold winter night, sparrows and doves seek shelter and learn about kindness.

Also new: 

Sammy’s Autograph Book: Sammy gets an autograph book for his birthday. Living in a small town with not many famous people, he wonders how he will fill his book's pages. This story was generously licensed to us by library Renaissance man Phil Shapiro. 


Coming in 2022

Here at LibraryCall, we look forward to our favorite winter celebration-- Public Domain Day on January 1! This year, the copyright of works published in 1926 will expire in the United States and become free to use and adapt. The most popular children’s title entering the public domain in 2022 is A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh. Published in England in 1926, the book was an immediate commercial success, selling 150,000 copies before the end of the year. Starting next year, you’ll be able to record and share stories about Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, and Tigger openly. And of course, we’ll make sure to prepare LibraryCall recordings for you, as well. 


Free Event this Friday

We hope you'll join us for our next virtual Storytime Commons Chat this Friday, Dec. 17 at 11:00 Pacific/2:00 Eastern. Register here:

Happy Storytelling, 

Madeline and the LibraryCall team


New winter stories, Public Domain Day, and a free event.